Interface CloneableObject

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ArraySet, MapEntry, InstanceChecker, Stopwatch

public interface CloneableObject
extends Cloneable

The CloneableObject interface is used to identify an object which can be cloned freely.

This interface differs from the Cloneable interface in the way it forces the class implementing the interface to have a clone method which is public, and does not throw a CloneNotSupportedException.

This allows any object to test if it can clone an object without having to know it's class type (for example, Object is not directly cloneable, but java.util.Vector is, however, if a Vector is stored in an Object pointer, it is not directly possible to tell if the object is publicly cloneable or not, as the clone method in Object has protected access).

Allan Crooks
See Also:

Method Summary
 Object clone()
          Clones this object.

Method Detail


public Object clone()
Clones this object.
clone in class Object
A copy of this object.
See Also: