Package gausssoft.collections

A collection of classes which relate to the java.util.Collection framework.


Interface Summary
SetList This interface simply defines an object which is a collection that contains unique elements (as defined by the Set interface), and a collection that is indexed, (as defined by the List interface).

Class Summary
AltFilterCollection The AltFilterCollection wraps around another Collection object providing the same functionality as AbstractCollection.
AltFilterIterator This class is used by the AltFilter classes for iterators.
AltFilterList The AltFilterList wraps around another List object providing the same functionality as AbstractList.
AltFilterSet The AltFilterSet wraps around another Set object providing the same functionality as AbstractSet.
ArraySet The ArraySet class is a subclass of the ArrayList class, simply ensuring that all elements in the collection are unique, as defined by the Set interface.
FilterCollection The FilterCollection class contains another Collection, which it uses as it's basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
FilterIterator The FilterIterator class contains another Iterator, which it uses as it's basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
FilterList The FilterList class contains another List, which it uses as it's basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
FilterListIterator The FilterListIterator class contains another ListIterator, which it uses as it's basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
FilterMap The FilterMap class contains another Map, which it uses as it's basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
FilterSet The FilterSet class contains another Set, which it uses as it's basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
FilterSortedMap The FilterSortedMap class contains another SortedMap, which it uses as it's basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
FilterSortedSet The FilterSortedSet class contains another SortedSet, which it uses as it's basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
MapEntry A simple implementation of the Map.Entry interface.
SynchronizedCollection The SynchronizedCollection class is used to synchronize all operations on a Collection object on a particular object.
SynchronizedList The SynchronizedList class is used to synchronize all operations on a List object on a particular object.
SynchronizedMap The SynchronizedMap class is used to synchronize all operations on a Map object on a particular object.
SynchronizedSet The SynchronizedSet class is used to synchronize all operations on a Set object on a particular object.
SynchronizedSortedMap The SynchronizedSortedMap class is used to synchronize all operations on a SortedMap object on a particular object.
SynchronizedSortedSet The SynchronizedSortedSet class is used to synchronize all operations on a SortedSet object on a particular object.

Package gausssoft.collections Description

A collection of classes which relate to the java.util.Collection framework.
These classes are under the GNU General Public License, a copy of which can be found here.