
A collection of classes which perform IO-related functions.


Interface Summary
IOConstants Collection of frequently used IO-related objects.

Class Summary
BandwidthControlledInputStream This class restricts the level of throughput that flows to an underlying InputStream.
BandwidthControlledOutputStream This class restricts the level of throughput that flows to an underlying OutputStream.
BandwidthInputStream This class measures the level of throughput that goes into an underlying InputStream.
BandwidthOutputStream This class measures the level of throughput that goes into an underlying OutputStream.
ChunkingInputStream This class wraps around another InputStream and reads data in chunks.
ChunkingOutputStream This class wraps around another InputStream and writes data in chunks.
InputStream This class is a variation on the normal InputStream class, as it specifies that the read method which takes a byte array argument, an offset argument and a size argument needs to be implemented, rather than the normal read method.
IOUtils This class holds a series of useful methods relating to IO functions.
OutputStream This class is a variation on the normal OutputStream class, as it specifies that the write method which takes a byte array argument, an offset argument and a size argument needs to be implemented, rather than the normal write method.
SafeOutputStream This class is used to indicate an OutputStream which will not throw an IOException upon any method invocation.
StatusInputStream This class is used to indicate the status of another InputStream.
StatusOutputStream This class is used to indicate the status of another OutputStream.

Package Description

A collection of classes which perform IO-related functions.
These classes are under the GNU General Public License, a copy of which can be found here.