Class BandwidthControlledOutputStream


public class BandwidthControlledOutputStream
extends BandwidthOutputStream

This class restricts the level of throughput that flows to an underlying OutputStream.

This implementation uses the ChunkingOutputStream class to perform updates. It is recommended that you look at how the ChunkingOutputStream class works before using this class.

This class lets a certain amount of bytes pass to the underlying stream (which can be set at construction time and also by the ChunkingOutputStream.setChunkSize(int) method). After this amount of bytes pass through the stream, it is calculated if bandwidth has been exceeded. If it has, the method will pause to average the bandwidth out.

The lower the chunk size, the more method overhead that will be generated, as well as any inefficiency by writing in data in small chunks. The higher the chunk size, the less method overhead, as well as being more efficient by reading in data in bigger chunks, however, this results in more of a burst-stop effect.

For example, if you have a very restrictive bandwidth on a stream which is very fast, and you set the chunk size to a very large size, initial writes will occur at the normal stream speed, disregarding the bandwidth limit. When a check is enforced, it will pause for a long while to average out the bandwidth. Although this "burst-stop" effect will happen whatever chunk size you specify, throughput will be much more consistent if it is set for lower values.

GSDK 1.1
Allan Crooks
See Also:
BandwidthControlledInputStream, BandwidthOutputStream

Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
BandwidthControlledOutputStream(OutputStream out, int bps)
          Creates a new BandwidthControlledOutputStream using a chunk size of 1024 bytes.
BandwidthControlledOutputStream(OutputStream out, int bps, int chunksize)
          Creates a new BandwidthControlledOutputStream.
Method Summary
protected  void forceCheck()
          Forces any unchecked bytes that have passed to the underlying stream to be checked immediately (and for bandwidth to be averaged out).
 int getLimit()
          Returns the current bandwidth limit.
 void initiate()
          Begins measuring and restricting bandwidth to the underlying OutputStream.
protected  void interrupt()
          Used for enforcing bandwidth checks.
 boolean isLimiting()
          Returns true if this object is restricting bandwidth.
 void setLimit(int bps)
          Sets a new bandwidth limit.
 void setLimiting(boolean active)
          Enables / disables the limiting of throughput on this object.
Methods inherited from class
close, getBandwidth, initiated, resetMeasuring
Methods inherited from class
getChunkSize, setChunkSize, updateChunkSize, write, write, write
Methods inherited from class
flush, getCount, isClosed
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BandwidthControlledOutputStream(OutputStream out,
                                       int bps)
Creates a new BandwidthControlledOutputStream using a chunk size of 1024 bytes.
out - The OutputStream to wrap around.
bps - The bandwidth to limit the stream to.
NullPointerException - If out is null.
IllegalArgumentException - If bps is less than 1.


public BandwidthControlledOutputStream(OutputStream out,
                                       int bps,
                                       int chunksize)
Creates a new BandwidthControlledOutputStream.
out - The OutputStream to wrap around.
bps - The bandwidth to limit the stream to.
chunksize - The chunk size to use.
NullPointerException - If in is null.
IllegalArgumentException - If bps or chunksize is less than 1.
Method Detail


public void initiate()
Begins measuring and restricting bandwidth to the underlying OutputStream. This method is also overrideable by subclasses that need to be explicitly told to function properly instead of functioning immediately at construction time.
initiate in class BandwidthOutputStream
See Also:


public final boolean isLimiting()
Returns true if this object is restricting bandwidth.
true if this object is restricting bandwidth.


public final void setLimiting(boolean active)
Enables / disables the limiting of throughput on this object.
active - true if this object should begin limiting throughput.


public final int getLimit()
Returns the current bandwidth limit.
The current bandwidth limit.


public final void setLimit(int bps)
Sets a new bandwidth limit.
bps - The new bandwidth limit.
IllegalArgumentException - If bps is less than 1.


protected void interrupt()
Used for enforcing bandwidth checks.
interrupt in class BandwidthOutputStream
See Also:
ChunkingOutputStream.interrupt(), forceCheck()


protected final void forceCheck()
Forces any unchecked bytes that have passed to the underlying stream to be checked immediately (and for bandwidth to be averaged out).

Note: This method must be called only when no IO operations are currently taking place. Invoking this method will use the current bandwidth limit and activity setting. Any new values which have yet to be stored in the variables will not be used.

See Also: